Looking for an East Bentleigh Vet ? Booking with us is easy!
If you are looking for an East Bentleigh vet, booking with EBAC is easy. Firstly, you can call us on 9579 5858 any time. We offer a 24/7 on call veterinary service and after hours we can come to you. Just speak to our experienced and friendly staff for details. It seems like many people want to book on line these days and so you can use the window below to enter some details about yourself and our software will find you ! You can also choose the time and day of the appointment that suits you. You will need to enter your email, phone number and create a password.
Make Appointments Easily On Line
If you have not seen us before, please use the window below to register as a new user. Scroll down to the Your First Time Logging In ? button and enter your email address, phone number and create a password and you are in ! Then, from now on, you can create appointments with EBAC whenever it suits you. If you need to find us click here for our location details and map. You will find we have plenty of off-street parking behind our clinic for your convenience.
As you make appointments you will be asked which pet you are making the appointment for and what your concern is. You can schedule your appointment and we’ll see you then ! If there is a problem one of our friendly staff will call you back. Once you have made an appointment our clever software will also send you a text message 24 hours before to remind you of your appointment. If you need to change your booking just use the link below or just call us for a fast and easy change. Most of all, remember if it’s an emergency, just call us ! For after hours service we will divert our phones to our on-call veterinarian 24/7 and if needed he / she will come to see you. House calls incur additional fees depending on the time of night and finally, thanks for choosing East Bentleigh Animal Care !